Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Growth and Development- Indiana Class

Hypothesis: The bean sprouts will grow the tallest the quickest and be the healthiest of the 3 plants.

After 10 days

Bean Plant 
It is starting to sprout little leaves and it has grown 2.2 inches tall.

 The sprout is primarily just the leaves. They are the main part. The Marigold sprout is1.6 inches tall.

Heavenly Bamboo
 The Heavenly Bamboo is sprouting red. Some of the sprouts are as short as 1.1 inches but one is as tall as 2.3! This plant may disprove our hypothesis and grow the tallest the quickest.

Both the Heavenly Bamboo and the Bean Sprout are coming along nicely. They are about tied for fastest growing plant. The bamboo is sprouting red and the other two are sprouting green. Each plant is given 400 mL of water every day and then placed outside below the classroom window.

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